Sunday, October 7, 2018

No More Privacy

Everything changed when technology came into fruition, traditional tasks included. This is no different from mailing, which has completely adapted into every day lives. While the concept of mailing is fundamentally the same between email and the traditional postal service (that is, sending something to someone from one place to the other), they are applied much differently than they appear to be.

The traditional postal service procedure has been introduced centuries ago and is still relatively used in today's society (though pales in the comparison to electronic mailing). The sender packs in contents to be sent in some envelope or package and then writes down the mail address of sender and receiver, as well as applying a stamp. It is then a continuous process of the mailmen sending said mail to a multitude of regional and international postal offices before the receiver finally receives his/her mail. However, the concept of electronic mail completely bypasses the typical postal service procedures making it time efficient and easier to do; you can usually expect to send and receive email in an instant.

While it's easy to construct and deliver an email, ideas of said mail is now no longer under your protection; it becomes a part of the World Wide Web (which was created by Tim Burners-Lee) for everyone to see and abuse. While ideally, the traditional postal service takes and delivers mail to its rightful owner, emails can leave a whole lot of information that can be used by any creature on the keyboard which can make us vulnerable to endless spamming and unnecessary content. As we continue to evolve, so does technology, meaning hat these sorts of underlying problems will never go away and that we will have to continue to adapt to these constant changes.

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